Sunday, August 7, 2016

Late Favorites

Most individuals have "that moment" during the building process that they consider their favorite. That one thing that they have pictured in their mind for years and the excitement of finally having it become a reality. Breaking ground or raising that first wall may be it for some. Or it may be that long wait for the exterior to be painted, where you see the color of your home for the first time. Others can't wait for their dream kitchen or master bath to be completed. Not only did my "moment" come this past week, it was followed by a surprise "moment" that was almost as good. Now I know some may question the judgement of "my moment". And as you read below, if at any time the thought of "that's not normal" crosses your mind; well, thank you.

I decided to pour a concrete pad so my kids could use it for basketball, roller blades, a canvas for sidewalk chalk or whatever else they see fit. 

The girls received a brief history lesson about our property and I explained to them how fortunate they are to have the opportunity to play basketball in the shade of a 60 year old water oak. Although they are happy about the basketball court, I feel the appreciation for the history of the area and the long existence of the tree didn't quite reach them. The basketball court may be my favorite part of the build so far.

My surprise moment that nearly equaled the basketball court was when we realized some chicks had hatched under our front porch. The kids have already claimed ownership of the chicks and are thinking of names.

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