Monday, February 22, 2016

Choosing a Builder

  Some people dream their entire lives of building that one of a kind custom home where they get to decide every last detail. They will spend months of their lives researching paint colors, interior door styles, flooring types, window sizes and much more. 401ks will be emptied, rainy day funds robbed, college savings accounts cashed in, and yes even pennies will be rolled. They have spared no expense, thought of every detail, researched their research and now comes the most important question of the entire process. Who will build your home? Surely choosing a competent, reliable contractor was given the same attention as oil rubbed bronze or brushed nickel. You may be surprised. When this question of who will build your home arises I often hear statements like;
 That guy that built that green house down town
- or -
My wife's cousin works for this guy
Whoever is the cheapest per square foot.
  We are thankful that when we are asked who will build your home we can answer,
"A very good contractor with many great references but just as important, a friend we can trust". Terry Robinson of Robinson Homes in Belmont will be building our home and it was a given from the beginning. I can't put into words the comfort we have starting this process with a builder that is honest and trustworthy.
BTW - Terry's  third son born today. Congratulations Terry.

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