Sunday, February 21, 2016

Early Tasks

It didn't take long to realize that building a home would require hundreds of very difficult decisions. But early on I haven't had any problems making decisions on what I want. And likewise, my wife has been quick to decide what fits her tastes. The one problem I keep encountering is that her tastes conflict with mine. I'll have to work on that with her. But with our home being built outside the city limits, one choice is decided for us. It will be a well and septic tank no matter how much we disagree about it. Gaston County requires tests for both before you start. The "perk" test, as it is referred to most often, is a percolation test performed by the County Health Department to determine the absorption rate of the soil for the septic tank. The test for a well is state required and to be honest I don't know what they do other than charge you for it. But this is something that must be completed before you start building and is simple enough to set up on your own.

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