Monday, April 18, 2016


We've been anxious about the arrival of the windows. I know that may sound silly but I'll explain. We found a photo of the style of windows we wanted and gave it to our builder. He called a few days later and told us he had found what we wanted. That in itself is all my wife needed and she moved on to the next decision and falls to sleep when her head hits the pillow each night. But I'm just not wired that way. So I guess I started this post with a misleading statement and I apologize. It should start, "I've been anxious". Now I know I've stated in previous post about the trust I have in our builder but to be honest with you, waiting on windows that I haven't seen has been pretty rough. But maybe what helps most is a quote I try to apply to my life when given the chance. It's a quote by the GREAT Ronald Reagan who said, "Surround yourself with the best people you can find, delegate authority, and don't interfere as long as the policy you've decided upon is being carried out".

All 36 windows made it, despite my worry.

The windows are Jeld-Wen double hung 2 over 2

The dining room to your right, looking into the living room ahead. 10 foot ceilings with a cased opening makes the rooms appear larger than they are

The windows turned out just like we wanted. We're hoping the exterior doors will be here this week. The electrical and rough plumbing will also begin in the next week to ten days

Friday, April 15, 2016

An Early Look Inside

Watching the rooms take shape during the framing process is pretty exciting. But it wasn't until the framing was complete and the rooms cleaned up that  I began to "see" the rooms.

Standing at the front entry. A pass-through to the kitchen straight ahead.

The large open areas are the living room to the left and dining room at the triple windows

Triple windows in the kitchen 180° from the triple windows in the dining room

A view from the landing at the top of the stairs into the girls' extra room

Wednesday, April 13, 2016

Finishing Up Framing and Ready For Shingles

We were fortunate that we only had a couple of days of light rain in the last few weeks. Even with most experts agreeing that untreated lumber can easily withstand the rain that occurs during normal construction periods, any water that stands on floors should be removed as quickly as possible. With the framing nearing the end we are preparing for the arrival of shingles.

Can't Wait
Front Porch - Rocking Chair - Sweet Tea

North side of house

Side entry with small porch and master in the rear

We chose a black architectural shingle

Shingles are complete

Thursday, April 7, 2016

Roof Trusses Are Here

Roof trusses arrived. There is still a good bit left before the framing is entirely complete but with the trusses here we can, as Lewis Robinson once said, "Keep Moving Forward".

The smaller trusses on the right are for the side porch.

Trusses were lifted and put in place with a crane and a few brave souls

It's beginning to look like a house

House wrap is a weather resistant barrier to keep the weather off the house

House wrap almost complete and the upper porch roof taking shape. Treated lumber will (and should) be used for both porches.