Thursday, April 7, 2016

Roof Trusses Are Here

Roof trusses arrived. There is still a good bit left before the framing is entirely complete but with the trusses here we can, as Lewis Robinson once said, "Keep Moving Forward".

The smaller trusses on the right are for the side porch.

Trusses were lifted and put in place with a crane and a few brave souls

It's beginning to look like a house

House wrap is a weather resistant barrier to keep the weather off the house

House wrap almost complete and the upper porch roof taking shape. Treated lumber will (and should) be used for both porches.


  1. It's always a good feeling to get the trusses on! That was a big day for me when we built a couple of years ago. Once the trusses were set, the roofing was put on. I felt a lot better knowing that when it rained, the wood framing of the house wasn't getting soaked. Congrats on the progress!

    Pleasance Faast @ Shelton Roof

    1. Thanks. We were very fortunate to have dry weather until we were actually "in the dry."

  2. Wow, this is looking awesome. It's always amazing when it starts taking shape, it's crazy the difference it makes when the trusses on, it starts taking shape and looking like a house! This is a brilliant blog and I hope that the project is going well, I'm sure that your posts will inspire others with similar projects. Keep up the good work!

    Terence Warner @ Brunwin Roofing

    1. Thanks for the kind words. It will test your sanity.
